1. Introduction
Kubecon the CloudNativeCon is a cloudnative event by CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation). KubeCon is a great place to learn about current trends and new technologies in the Kubernetes ecosystem. Every year this event currently conduct two places around the world EU (Europe) and NA (North america) zones. This is a best open source event where you get familiar with open source in tech and also get involve with open source projects, community and other things. Founding members include Google, CoreOS, Mesosphere, Red Hat, Twitter, Huawei, Intel, Cisco, IBM, Docker, Univa, and VMware. Today, CNCF is supported by over 450 members.
2. Is students can apply for this conference
If you are a student in the field of computer science background or you have some knowledge on devops or development field or you are a working professional, you should definately apply for the kubecon. This conference is not cost free in person individual cost is $399, Is in it too expensive for students right? You can also attend the conference by appling virtual scolarship. This scolarship provide you to $75 virtual all access pass to attend the session in the kubecon.
3. Advantages behind attend this conference
There are lots of advantage behind attending the kubecon every year
Huge amount of learning resources.
Networking opportunity.
Hands on demo as well as training session.
Meet amazing, super active floks in tech around the world.
Involve different open source community.
Engage with different open source ongoing projects.
Learn and introduce lots of open source projects.
4. Whats activity done here
If you ever attended any conference, then you have some knowledge how all this thing done. Kubecon is a international conference where people from the world wide, participating here. You can get three types of event over here like keynote sessions, Co located event and Lightning talks, also some hands on training and demo sessions. Not only that by attending kubecon you get lots of open sources learning resources, Netwotking opportunity, community bonding session, Meet amazing people in tech field. If you want to learn about cutting-edge cloud-native tools, discover new and better ways to use cloud computing at your organization, or simply network with enthusiasts kubecon is the best place for it.
5. Get involve
🖱 Youtube
🖱 Slack
🖱 Twitch
6. Reference
🚩 cncf.io
🚩 contribute.cncf.io/contributors
🚩 contribute.cncf.io/maintainers
🚩 events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnat..
🚩 events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnat..
That's all for this blog, I hope you will learn something new. And feel free to share your thoughts and feedback, Thanks for reading.
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